The Leibniz Association has published an impulse paper dealing with the challenges and future issues of the German science system. In times of global crises and far-reaching transformation processes, the Association emphasizes the necessity of a cooperative, permeable and agile science system that can act as an innovation engine for our country.
The paper highlights various fields of action, including the reduction of bureaucracy, the long-term securing of financing, the design of a sustainable science system, the promotion of scientific careers, the facilitation of data access and an increased transfer of knowledge, including facilitating cooperation with industry partners. The Leibniz Association formulates specific measures and recommendations to strengthen cooperation between science, politics and industry and to promote the innovative strength of research institutions. As one of the 96 institutes of the Leibniz Association, we also support the recommendations of the discussion paper.
The complete discussion paper of the Leibniz Association is available for download here: