The workshop with the theme: “Nonthermal processes to foster diversity, sustainability and resilience of future food systems” will provide a platform and a meeting point among students, experts and stakeholders in the field of nonthermal processing of foods from the academic research and the industry.
EFFoST and IFT-NPD are again hosting a workshop together. This year the ATB is responsible for organisation as well as providing the venue.
During the 3-day workshop there will be poster presentations as well as talks of keynote speakers.
More information on the programm as well as registration and sponsorship can be found on the website of the NPW.
EFFoST/ IFT-NPD Workshop on nonthermal processing of foods
Time: October, 07. - 09.
Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie
May-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam