Dr. rer. agr. Hans-Jörg Gusovius
Articles in peer reviewed journals [35 Results]
- Klevenhusen, F.; These, A.; Weiß, K.; Gusovius, H.; Pieper, R. (2024): Ensiling conditions and changes of cannabinoid concentration in industrial hemp. Archives of Animal Nutrition. (3): p. 242-253. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1745039X.2024.2383216
- Angulu, M.; Gusovius, H. (2024): Retting of Bast Fiber Crops Like Hemp and Flax-A Review for Classification of Procedures. Fibers. (3): p. 28. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/fib12030028
- Selge, B.; Gusovius, H.; Ouagne, P. (2024): Processing of linseed straw: State-of-the-art and further perspectives. Industrial Crops and Products. (1): p. 119518. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.119518
- Schmidt, B.; Freidank-Pohl, C.; Zillessen, J.; Stelzer, L.; Núñez Guitar, T.; Lühr, C.; Müller, H.; Zhang, F.; Hammel, J.; Briesen, H.; Jung, S.; Gusovius, H.; Meyer, V. (2023): Mechanical, physical and thermal properties of composite materials produced with the basidiomycete Fomes fomentarius. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. (22): p. 1-15. Online: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40694-023-00169-8
- Müssig, J.; Enke, S.; Gusovius, H.; Lühr, C.; Uhrlaub, B.; Dammer, L.; Carus, M. (2023): Mechanical separation of kenaf for composite applications - Evaluation of the total fibre line concept for field retted kenaf. Industrial Crops & Products. (February 2024): p. 117870. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117870
- Assanova, A.; Otynshiyev, M.; Gusovius, H.; Otynshiyev, Y.; Rakhimova, S. (2023): Evaluation of Linseed Straw as a Fiber Resource from Kazakh Agriculture. Journal of Natural Fibers. (1): p. 2296907. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2023.2296907
- Pohl, C.; Schmidt, B.; Nunez Guitar, T.; Klemm, S.; Gusovius, H.; Platzk, S.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Klunker, A.; Völlmecke, C.; Fleck, C.; Meyer, V. (2022): Establishment of the basidiomycete Fomes fomentarius for the production of composite materials. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. (4): p. 1-13. Online: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40694-022-00133-y
- Viotti, C.; Albrecht, K.; Amaducci, S.; Bardos, P.; Bertheau, C.; Blaudez, D.; Bothe, L.; Cazaux, D.; Ferrarini, A.; Govilas, J.; Gusovius, H.; Jeannin, T.; Lühr, C.; Müssig, J.; Pilla, M.; Placet, V.; Puschenreiter, M.; Tognacchini, A.; Yung, L.; Chalot, M. (2022): Nettle, a Long-Known Fiber Plant with New Perspectives. Materials. (12): p. 4288. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15124288
- Kirilovs, E.; Zotova, I.; Gendelis, S.; Gusovius, H.; Kukle, S.; Stramkale, V. (2020): Experimental Study of Using Micro-Encapsulated Phase-Change Material Integrated into Hemp Shive Wallboard. Buildings. (12): p. 228. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings10120228
- Herppich, W.; Gusovius, H.; Flemming, I.; Drastig, K. (2020): Effects of drought and heat on photosynthetic performance, water use and yield of two important fibre hemp cultivars at a poor-soil site in Brandenburg (Germany). Agronomy. (9): p. 1361. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/10/9/1361
Monographs by authorship [2 Results]
- Fischer, H.; Sigmund, I.; Schmid, I.; Kretz, R.; Gusovius, H.; Grashorn, C.; Schmid, H.; Hartwig, P.; Dederer, E.; Röhl, V. (2021): FibreScan - Entwicklung eines innovativen Gerätesystems zur automatischen Messung der Faserlängenverteilung von Naturfasern. Forschungsberichte aus dem Faserinstitut Bremen, Band 66. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, (ISBN-13: 9783755715757), 60 S.
- Fischer, H.; Gusovius, H.; Lühr, C.; Rödel, P.; Schneider, C.; Kreye, S.; Machmüller, A.; Rottmann-Meyer, M.; Beckhaus, H. (2019): InBeNeFa - Verbundvorhaben: Entwicklung einer industriellen Bereitstellungskette von Brennnesseljungpflanzen bis zur Nesselfaser. Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, (ISBN-13: 9783750421530), 116 S.
Bookchapters and proceedings [25 Results]
- Gusovius, H.; Koza, M.; Usman, M.; Aliev, K.; Salmurzauli, R.; Schmidt, G. (2024): Cultivation and use of alternative crops: Examples from Central Asia. In: Book of abstracts: LANDSCAPE 2024. LANDSCAPE 2024 - Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors. ZALF, Müncheberg, p. 81-81. Online: https://landscape2024.org/custom/media/landscape24/Landscape_2024_Book_of_Abstracts.pdf
- Kirilovs, E.; Kukle, S.; Gusovius, H.; Zotova, I.; Stramkale, V. (2019): Development of Wet-Preserved Hemp Fibreboard with Thermal and Sound Insulation Properties. In: Tagungsband International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM), (DOI:10.5593/sgem2019/6.2), p. 73-79.
- Müssig, J.; Wang, S.; Uhrlaub, B.; Gusovius, H.; Lühr, C.; Musio, S.; Amaducci, S. (2018): Characterisation of the decortication behaviour of hemp stems (Cannabis sativa L.). In: Book of Abstracts -The 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials. Volume VIII. ICSAAM 2018 - The 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials. National Engineering School of Tarbes, Tarbes, (2559-7841), p. 33-35.
- Gusovius, H.; Wallot, G.; Schierl, S.; Rinberg, R.; Hartmann, T.; Kroll, L.; Jahn, I. (2016): Processing of Wet Preserved Natural Fibers with Injection Molding Compounding (IMC). In: Fangueiro, R.; Rana, S.(eds.): Natural Fibres: Advances in science and technology towards industrial applications from science to market. 2nd International Conference on Natural Fibers ICNF 2015. Springer, (ISBN 978-94-017-7513-7), p. 197-210.
- Kirilovs, E.; Kukle, S.; Gusovius, H. (2015): Wet-preserved hemp fibreboard properties improvement with veneering. In: Yavuz Oral, A.; Banu Bahsi, Z.; Özer, M.; Sezer, M.; Aköz, M.(eds.): 4th International Congress in Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science (APMAS 2014). 4th International Congress in Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science (APMAS 2014). AIP Publishing; Tura Turzim Limited, Fethiye, Türkei, (978-0-7354-1295-8), p. 200591-200596. Online: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4914250
- Budde, J.; Gusovius, H.; Hoffmann, T.; Ola, D. (2014): New process chain for seed harvesting from special crops on the example hemp. In: Proceedings. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. Zürich, p. 1-5. Online: http://www.geyseco.es/geystiona/adjs/comunicaciones/304/C05000001.pdf
- Lühr, C.; Pecenka, R.; Gusovius, H. (2014): Development and practical experiences with a new technology for cleaning of shive-fibre-mixtures in processing plants for natural fibres. In: Proceedings. ASABE and CSBE - SCGAB Annual International Meeting 2014. Montreal, p. 1-5. Online: http://elibrary.asabe.org/azdez.asp?JID=5&AID=44470&CID=mon2014&T=2
- Pecenka, R.; Fürll, C.; Ola, D.; Budde, J.; Gusovius, H. (2012): Efficient use of agricultural land in production of energy: Natural insulation versus bio-energy. In: Proceedings. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-Ageng 2012. Valencia, p. 1-6. Online: http://wcigr.ageng2012.org/images/fotosg/tabla_137_C0961.pdf
- Wallot, G.; Hoffmann, T.; Gusovius, H. (2012): Partikelaufschluss für die stoffliche Nutzung von Faserrohstoffen. In: Tagungsband Landtechnik 2012. 70. Internationale Tagung LAND.TECHNIK 2012. VDI-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/978-3-18-092173-0), p. 223-228.
- Gusovius, H. (2012): Processing technologies for fibre crops. In: Tagungsband. Towards a North-Eastern European Biomass Agenda 2020. Riga, p. 83-83.
Orals and posters [87 Results]
- Gusovius, H. (2024): Anbau und Nutzung von Hanf.
- Gusovius, H. (2024): Verwertung der pflanzlichen Ressourcen von Hanf.
- Gusovius, H. (2024): Bast fiber crops - an alternative enhancement for resilient and sustainable crop rotations and regional value creation in Central Asia.
- Gusovius, H. (2024): Überblick zu Verarbeitungskapazitäten im Bereich Naturfasern.
- Gusovius, H. (2023): Hanf - Der Alleskönner.
- Gusovius, H. (2023): Neue Naturfaserrohstoffe von Forschung zu Vermarktung: Einsatz innovativer Anbau-, Ernte- und Aufschlusstechnologien.
- Gusovius, H. (2023): Technologies for harvesting and straw processing of bast fiber crops for raw material supply in the composites industry.
- Gusovius, H. (2022): R&D for harvesting and processing of bast fiber crops in Germany.
- Gusovius, H. (2022): R&D for harvesting and processing of bast fiber crops in Germany.
- Gusovius, H. (2022): Erntetechnik und Aufbereitung für unterschiedliche Anwendungen.
Others [3 Results]
- Gusovius, H.; Budde, J.; Lühr, C.; Hoffmann, T. (2018): Hanf erfordert sehr spezielle Erntetechnik. eilbote-online.com. p. 10. Online: https://www.eilbote-online.com/artikel/hanfanbau-hanf-erfordert-sehr-spezielle-erntetechnik-32983/
- Gusovius, H.; Budde, J.; Lühr, C.; Hoffmann, T. (2016): Erntetechnik - Zähes Multitalent. Bauernzeitung. Für Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Sachsen-Anhalt. p. 31-33.
- Gusovius, H. (2012): Faserwerkstoffe aus feucht konserviertem Hanf für die Verarbeitung zu Werkstoffverbunden. fiber news Magazin des Fiber International Bremen e.V. p. 16-17. Online: http://www.fib-bremen.de/download/fibernews.pdf