Dr.-Ing. Akshay Sonawane
Articles in peer reviewed journals [8 Results]
- Linke, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Rux, G.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Method for measuring the transpiration resistance of fruit and vegetables. MethodsX. (December 2024): p. 103058. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2024.103058
- Hoffmann, T.; Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Heat transfer in large bins during the apples cool-down process. International Journal of Refrigeration. (February 2025): p. 60-69. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.11.023
- Sonawane, A.; Chaiwong, S.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2023): A model integrating fruit physiology, perforation, and scavenger for prediction of ethylene accumulation in fruit package. Postharvest Biology and Technology. (March 2024): p. 112734. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2023.112734
- Nur Hanani, Z.; Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P. (2023): Impact of humidity, temperature and condensation on O2 and CO2 transmission rate of modified atmosphere packages. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. (November 2023): p. 101132. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2023.101132
- Sonawane, A.; Oliveira, J.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2023): Prediction of ethylene permeance through perforated packaging films using a dimensionless correlation. Journal of Food Engineering. (November 2023): p. 111610. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2023.111610
- Sonawane, A.; Pathak, N.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2023): Ethylene modelling in package headspace of fresh produce: A review. Packaging Technology and Science. (9): p. 731-743. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/pts.2753
- Sonawane, A.; Pathak, N.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2022): Ethylene permeance through perforated packaging film: Modelling and effect of air velocity, temperature, film thickness and perforation diameter. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. (December 2022): p. 100961. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2022.100961
- Sonawane, A.; Pathak, N.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2022): Role of laser micro-perforations on ethylene transmission in packaging materials used for fresh produce. Packaging Technology and Science. (7): p. 1-7. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/pts.2674
Monographs by authorship [1 result]
Bookchapters and proceedings [7 Results]
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Neuwald, D.; Büchele, F.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Barkov, V.; Atzmueller, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating digital twin technology for sustainable management of fresh produce in postharvest facilities. In: 11th edition of the German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development - Towards a Resilient and Safe Future. 11th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development. p. 54-54. Online: https://uni-tuebingen.de/securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MzYzNTUzNjMsImV4cCI6MTczNjQ0NTM2MiwidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJmaWxlYWRtaW4vVW5pX1R1ZWJpbmdlbi9FaW5yaWNodHVuZ2VuL1plbnRyYWxlX0VpbnJpY2h0dW5nZW4vQnJhc2lsaWVuX1plbnRydW0vQmlsZGVyL0dlcm1hbi1CcmF6aWxpYW5fU3ltcG9zaXVtXzIwMjMvMjAyNC9Eb2t1bWVudGUvQm9va19vZl9BYnN0cmFjdHNfRklOQUwucGRmIiwicGFnZSI6MjY5MDc2fQ.7Lh9onj9LiKfzvJ0Bqs8haY_BW1HC-krqEtjy7XBLHY/Book_of_Abstracts_FINAL.pdf
- Jedermann, R.; Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P.; Lüssem, B. (2024): Fruity Twin - A digital platform for processing sensor data in food cool chains. In: 2024 IEEE SENSORS. IEEE SENSORS 2024. IEEE, Kobe, Japan, (2168-9229; 979-8-3503-6351-7), p. 1-4. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/SENSORS60989.2024.10785038
- Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Model for Ethylene Prediction in Fruit Package. In: Book of Abstract. 4th International Joint Symposium on Agriculture and Food Security. p. 43-43.
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating digital twin technology for sustainable postharvest management of fresh produce. In: Book of Abstract. 4th International Joint Symposium on Agriculture and Food Security. p. 44-44.
- Sonawane, A.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2023): Investigating the influence of temperature on ethylene removal kinetics for commercial scavenger. In: Mahajan, P.; Zude-Sasse, M.; Geyer, M.(eds.): VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model-IT 2023. Model-It 2023 - VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. ISHS, Leuven, (0567-7572; 2406-6168; 978 94 6261 381 2), p. 125-130. Online: https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1382.16
- Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P. (2023): The modelling of ethylene scavenger reveals temperature-dependent removal rate while the removal capacity remains constant. In: VII International Symposium Applications of Modelling as an InnovativeTechnology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model It 2023. Model-It 2023 - VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. p. 35-35. Online: https://model-it2023.atb-potsdam.de/fileadmin/Projekte/Model-IT2023/Book_of_Abstract_Model-It_2023.pdf
- Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P.; Weltzien, C. (2023): A model-based approach for simulation of ethylene accumulation inside perforated modified atmospheric packaging. In: VII International Symposium Applications of Modelling as an InnovativeTechnology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model It 2023. Model-It 2023 - VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. p. 12-12. Online: https://model-it2023.atb-potsdam.de/fileadmin/Projekte/Model-IT2023/Book_of_Abstract_Model-It_2023.pdf
Orals and posters [13 Results]
- Sonawane, A. (2025): Advances in Ethylene Monitoring.
- Hoffmann, T.; Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2025): Heat transfer dynamics during loading in industrial-scale controlled atmosphere storage of apples.
- Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Model for Ethylene Prediction in Fruit Package.
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating Digital Twin Technology for Sustainable Postharvest Management of Fresh Produce.
- Sonawane, A.; Chaiwong, S.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2024): A model integrating physiology, perforation, and scavenger for prediction of ethylene accumulation in fresh produce package.
- Kalnar, Y.; Jalali, A.; Sonawane, A.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Temperature Responsive Dynamic O2 Control in Fresh Produce Modified Atmosphere Transport container.
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Neuwald, D.; Linke, M.; Barkov, V.; Atzmueller, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): A data-driven approach for fresh produce preservation inside cold room.
- Sonawane, A. (2023): Ethylene management in fresh produce supply chain.
- Sonawane, A. (2023): Condensation and mass loss modelling.
- Sonawane, A.; Mahajan, P. (2023): Investigating the influence of temperature on ethylene removal kinetics using a commercial scavenger.