Dipl.-Ing. Teodor Teodorov
Department: System Process Engineering
Program areas
Research areas
- Development, testing and optimisation of equipmen
- Implementation of tests (laboratory and industrial scale
- Analysis of experimental data and results
- Mellmann, J.; Teodorov, T.; Ziegler, T. (2022): Energieoptimierung am Bandtrockner / Energy Optimization on the Belt Dryer. Hopfen-Rundschau International. (2022-2023): p. 84-87. Online: https://www.deutscher-hopfen.de/HRI_2022_2023/084_087_Energieoptimierung%20am%20Bandtrockner_Energy%20Optimization%20on%20the%20Belt%20Dryer.pdf
- Ziegler, T.; Teodorov, T. (2021): Airflow resistance of two hop varieties. Agronomy Research. (2): p. 638-647. Online: https://doi.org/10.15159/AR.21.036
- Ziegler, T.; Jubaer, H.; Teodorov, T. (2021): Bottlenecks in continuous hops drying with conveyor-belt dryer. Drying Technology. (13): p. 2598-2616. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2021.1950168
- Ziegler, T.; Teodorov, T.; Mellmann, J. (2011): Flächentrocknung von Arzneipflanzen mit Luftentfeuchtung / Fixed bed drying of medicinal plants using dehumidification of air. Landtechnik - Agricultural Engineering (2000 - 2013). (3): p. 167-169. Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.15150/lt.2011.386
- Teodorov, T.; Scaar, H.; Weigler, F.; Mellmann, J. (2011): Berechnung des Schüttgutmassenstroms in Dächerschachttrocknern. Prediction of the solids mass flow rate in mixed-flow dryers. Landtechnik - Agricultural Engineering (2000 - 2013). (6): p. 410-413. Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.15150/lt.2011.431
- Mellmann, J.; Teodorov, T. (2011): Solids Transport in mixed-flow dryers. Powder Technology. (1-3 Jan): p. 117-125. Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2010.08.073
- Ziegler, T.; Niebling, F.; Teodorov, T.; Mellmann, J. (2009): Wärmepumpentrocknung von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen - Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz / Heat pump drying of medicinal and spice plants - possibilties of energy efficiency enhancement. Zeitschrift für Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen. (4): p. 160-166. Online: http://www.zag-info.com/journalarchive.php?subid=2940
Curriculum Vitae
since 2007
Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering ATB, Potsdam-Bornim
Research engineer
Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) at Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria
Thesis: Optimisation and testing of the grain discharge device of a mixed-flow dryer
Study at Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria
German Faculty for Engineering and Business Administration (FDIBA),
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering (automotive engineering,
combustion engines, CAD, PDM systems, FEM, technical logistic)