Dr. Qianying Yi
Department: Sensors and Modelling
Program areas
Research areas
- Design, control and optimisation of natural ventilation system in livestock buildings;
- Measurements and modelling of indoor climate and emission dispersion;
- Determination of ventilation rate of naturally ventilated livestock buildings;
- Measurements, modeling and mitigation of ammonia and GHG emissions from livestock buildings;
- Animal nutrition, feeding models, and process-based manure production modelling;
- Computational fluid dynamics simulation;
- Boundary layer wind tunnel experiment.
Scientific activities
- Associate Editor of Journal of Environmental Quality;
- Member of the "Leibniz Mentoring Alumnae Network".
- Yuan, H.; Du, L.; Cao, Y.; Tu, S.; Liu, D.; Yi, Q.; Luo, W.; Gao, H.; Zhang, J.; Liao, F.; Fu, H.; Liao, Y. (2024): Understanding the role of ?-? stacking from red carbon for selective, high stable and anti-external interference detecting ferric ions and cellular imaging. Microchemical Journal. : p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2024.110416
- Cao, M.; Yi, Q.; Wang, K.; Li, J.; Wang, X. (2023): Predicting Ventilation Rate in a Naturally Ventilated Dairy Barn in Wind-Forced Conditions Using Machine Learning Techniques. Agriculture. : p. 0. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0472/13/4/837
- Lv, Y.; Yao, H.; Li, A.; Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Amon, T.; DS Quoie Jr, G.; Shen, X.; Long, Z. (2022): Comparison of simulation methods for dynamic internal air distribution in naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. : p. 107427. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107427
- Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Yi, Q.; Wang, F.; Fu, H.; Gao, H.; Liao, Y. (2022): In Situ Construction of Porous ß-Bi2O3/BiOCOOH Heterojunction Photocatalysts: Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation Activity by the Synergistic Effect of Oxygen Vacancies and Lattice Oxygen. ACS Applied Energy Materials. (8): p. 9503-9511. Online: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.2c01136
- Wang, X.; Cao, M.; Hu, F.; Yi, Q.; Amon, T.; Janke, D.; Xie, T.; Zhang, G.; Wang, K. (2022): Effect of fans placement on the indoor thermal environment of typical tunnel ventilated multi-floor pig buildings using numerical simulation. Agriculture. (6): p. 891. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12060891
- Doumbia, E.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Zhang, G.; Amon, T.; Kriegel, M.; Hempel, S. (2021): On finding the right sampling lines height through a parametric study of gas dispersion in a NVB. Applied Sciences. (8): p. 4560. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11104560
- Wang, X.; Li, J.; Wu, J.; Yi, Q.; Wang, X.; Wang, K. (2021): Numerical simulation of the placement of exhaust fans in a tunnel-ventilated layer house during the fall. Transactions of the ASABE. (6): p. 1955-1966. Online: https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.14657
- Nosek, S.; Zbynek, J.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Aarnink, A.; Calvet, S.; Hassouna, M.; Jakubcová, M.; Demeyer, P.; Zhang, G. (2021): Review of wind tunnel modelling of flow and pollutant dispersion within and from naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Applied Sciences. (9): p. 3783. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11093783
- Wang, X.; Wu, J.; Yi, Q.; Zhang, G.; Amon, T.; Janke, D.; Li, X.; Chen, B.; He, Y.; Wang, K. (2021): Numerical evaluation on ventilation rates of a novel multi-floor pig building using computational fluid dynamics. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (March 2021): p. 106050. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2021.106050
- Doumbia, E.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Amon, T.; Kriegel, M.; Hempel, S. (2021): CFD modelling of an animal occupied zone using an anisotropic porous medium model with velocity depended resistance parameters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (February 2021): p. 105950. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105950
Veröffentlichungen vor ATB-Zugehörigkeit
- Yi, Q., Wang, X., Zhang, G., Li, H., Janke, D., Amon, T., 2019. Assessing effects of wind speed and wind direction on discharge coefficient of sidewall opening in a dairy building model - A numerical study. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 162, 235-245.
- Yi, Q., Li, H., Wang, X., Zong, C., Zhang, G., 2019. Numerical investigation on the effects of building configuration on discharge coefficient for a cross-ventilated dairy building model. Biosystems Engineering, 182, 107-122.
- Yi, Q., König, M., Janke, D., Hempel, S., Zhang, G., Amon, B., Amon, T., 2018. Wind tunnel investigations of sidewall opening effects on indoor airflows of a cross-ventilated dairy building. Energy and Buildings, 175, 163-172.
- Yi, Q., Zhang, G., König, M., Janke, D., Hempel, S., Amon, T., 2018. Investigation of discharge coefficient for wind-driven naturally ventilated dairy barns. Energy and Buildings, 165, 132-140.
- Yi, Q., Zhou, L., Shao, X., etc., 2014. Discovery of novel NAMPT inhibitors based on pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening techniques. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 17(10), 868-878.
- Yi, Q., Zhang, G., König, M., Janke, D., Hempel, S., Amon, B., Amon, T., 2018. Effect of sidewall openings on flow pattern and gas emissions of a naturally ventilated dairy barn – A wind tunnel study. in: Proceedings of EurAgEng 2018 conference, Wageningen, the Netherlands, ID 298.
- Yi, Q., Zhang, G., König, M., Janke, D., Amon, T., Hempel, S., 2017. Determining discharge coefficient of large openings of wind-driven cross ventilation barns by wind tunnel tests. in: 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, ASABE, Spokane, America, Manuscript No. 1700779.
- Shao, X., Yi, Q., Yang, C. 2016. Discovery of novel EphB4 inhibitors based on pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening techniques. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 47(1), 38-47.
- Liu, T., He, L., Zhou, L.,Yi, Q., etc., 2014. Identification of novel bacterial RNA polymerase “Switch Region” inhibitors using pharmacophore model based on multi-template and similarity research. Medical Chemistry Research, 23(8), 3793-3802.
- Shi, H., Zhou, L., Bao, G.,Yi, Q., etc., 2014. Identification of potential MEK1 inhibitors by pharmacophore-based virtual screening and MD simulations. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2014, 11(7), 894-907.