Program areas
- Kapica, J.; Höfner, N.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Drozd, P. (2024): The Structure From Motion algorithm - a vital part of Agriculture 4.0.
- Kapica, J.; Höfner, N.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Drozd, P. (2024): The Structure From Motion algorithm - a vital part of Agriculture 4.0. In: Lorencowicz, E.; Uziak, J.; Huyghebaert, B.(eds.): Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture. Book fo abstracts. XII International Scientific Symposium Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture. Reprographic Centre, University of Life Science, Lublin, (978-83-937433-3-9), p. 40-0.
- Shamshiri, R.; Navas, E.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Koch, K.; Dworak, V.; Hameed, I.; Paraforos, D.; Fernández, R.; Weltzien, C. (2024): Agricultural Robotics to Revolutionize Farming. Requirements and Challenges. In: Shamshiri, R.; Hameed, I.(eds.): Mobile Robots for Digital Farming. . CRC Press, Boca Raton, (9781003306283), p. 107-155.
- Höfner, N.; Bommer, P.; Shokrian Zeini, M. (2023): FoodChain: Cultivating the Future with 5G-Enhanced Agricultural Robotics.
- Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Navas, E.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Overview of control systems for robotic harvesting of sweet peppers and apples.
- Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Navas, E.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Weltzien, C. (2023): An overview of visual servoing for robotic manipulators in digital agriculture.
- Käthner, J.; Koch, K.; Höfner, N.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Figurski, W.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Review of agricultural field robots and their applicability in potato cultivation.
- Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Navas, E.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Overview of control systems for robotic harvesting of sweet peppers and apples. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 543-548. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
- Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Navas, E.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Weltzien, C. (2023): An overview of visual servoing for robotic manipulators in digital agriculture. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 231-241. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
- Käthner, J.; Koch, K.; Höfner, N.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Figurski, W.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Review of agricultural field robots and their applicability in potato cultivation. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 137-148. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf