Mostafa Shokrian Zeini
Department: Agromechatronics
Program areas
Research areas
- Model-in-the-Loop (MIL), Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) & Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL)
- Integrated Eye-in-Hand/Eye-to-Hand Visual Servoing
- Numerical Simulations (MATLAB, Simulink) & Agricultural Robotics
- Control Theory, Nonlinear Control Syntheses, Nonlinear Dynamics & Uncertain Complex Systems
- Kapica, J.; Höfner, N.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Drozd, P. (2024): The Structure From Motion algorithm - a vital part of Agriculture 4.0.
- Kapica, J.; Höfner, N.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Drozd, P. (2024): The Structure From Motion algorithm - a vital part of Agriculture 4.0. In: Lorencowicz, E.; Uziak, J.; Huyghebaert, B.(eds.): Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture. Book fo abstracts. XII International Scientific Symposium Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture. Reprographic Centre, University of Life Science, Lublin, (978-83-937433-3-9), p. 40-0.
- Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Navas, E.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Overview of control systems for robotic harvesting of sweet peppers and apples.
- Navas, E.; Dworak, V.; Weltzien, C.; Fernández, R.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Käthner, J.; Shamshiri, R. (2023): An approach to the automation of blueberry harvesting using soft robotics.
- Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Navas, E.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Weltzien, C. (2023): An overview of visual servoing for robotic manipulators in digital agriculture.
- Käthner, J.; Koch, K.; Höfner, N.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Figurski, W.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Review of agricultural field robots and their applicability in potato cultivation.
- Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Navas, E.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Overview of control systems for robotic harvesting of sweet peppers and apples. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 543-548. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
- Navas, E.; Dworak, V.; Weltzien, C.; Fernández, R.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Käthner, J.; Shamshiri, R. (2023): An approach to the automation of blueberry harvesting using soft robotics. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 231-440. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
- Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Navas, E.; Käthner, J.; Höfner, N.; Weltzien, C. (2023): An overview of visual servoing for robotic manipulators in digital agriculture. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 231-241. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
- Käthner, J.; Koch, K.; Höfner, N.; Dworak, V.; Shokrian Zeini, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Figurski, W.; Weltzien, C. (2023): Review of agricultural field robots and their applicability in potato cultivation. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/978-3-88579-724-1), p. 137-148. Online: https://gil-net.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIL_2023_Tagungsband_final_8.2..pdf
Veröffentlichungen vor ATB-Zugehörigkeit
- M.M. Mardani, N. Vafamand, M. Shokrian Zeini, M. Shasadeghi, A. Khayatian, “Sum-of-Squares-Based Finite-Time Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Polynomial Systems with Input Nonlinearities”, 2018, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 1658-1662.
- A. Modirrousta, M. Shokrian Zeini, T. Binazadeh, “Nonlinear Optimal Fuzzy Control Synthesis for Robust Output Tracking of Uncertain Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems”, 2016, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 1146-1160.
- T. Salehi, M. Shokrian, A. Modirrousta, M. Khodabandeh, M. Heidari, “Estimation of the Collapse Potential of Loess Soils in Golestan Province using Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems”, 2015, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 8, pp. 9557-9567.
- H. Delavari, M. Shokrian, “Fuzzy Modeling and Synchronization of a New Hyperchaotic Complex System with Uncertainties”, 2015, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.134-144.
Curriculum Vitae
- Guest Researcher, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Coburg, Nov. 2021-Jun. 2022
- Research Associate, Shiraz University of Technology, IRAN, Sep. 2014-Sep. 2021
- Professor and Lab Supervisor, Shahid Bahonar Technical and Vocational Faculty, IRAN, Sep. 2015-Sep. 2017
- Project Leader of “The Design and Implementation of an Optimal Load Forecasting Software for the Hamedan Electrical Power Distribution Company”, IRAN, Sep. 2012-Sep. 2014
- Project Leader of “The Study of the Consummation Pattern of Different Industries for an Accurate Hourly Load Forecasting in the Bakhtar Regional Electric Company”, IRAN, Sep. 2012-Sep. 2014
- Research Assistant, Hamedan University of Technology, IRAN, Sep. 2012- Sep. 2014
- French Language Professor, Sadr Institute of Higher Education, IRAN, Oct. 2008-Jan. 2021