Domaine Bornim before 1927
In July, the estate Bornim is leased to the Academy for Agricultural Sciences Berlin. The Institute for Business Operations and Work Management takes responsibility for Bornim estate as an experimental site for labour in agriculture. Director is Prof. Dr. Ludwig-Wilhelm Ries.
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Aereboe is appointed Ordinarius for business operations and Director of the namely Institute of the Academy for Agricultural Sciences Berlin.
The large sheep shelter burnes down. On its foundation a barn is built.
Zimmermann is the last tenant of the crown estate. In April, as a result of the Hohenzollern-comparison-contract, the estate falls to the Prussian State.
The newly renovated square barn, designed by Persius, is completely destroyed by fire. Two new barnes are built up that are still existing today.
Bornim becomes crown estate. Alfred d´Alton-Rauch is its bailiff and exclusive tenant.
Bornim estate, which had been sold in the meantime, is rebought by the later emperor Frederick III., the '99 Days Kaiser', for 380,000 Mark and is dedicated to supply the royal family with food ('Kronfideikommiß des Königlich Preußisch-Brandenburgischen Hauses'). Due to the illness of the crown prince Wilhelm the domaine is leased once again.
The rent is shared between the tenants Schmidt and Beußel.
Bornim estate comprises 550 ha.
The manor-house is shifted from the village Bornim to a site close to the 'Vorwerk'. Friedrich Ludwig Persius erects the new manor-house in the style of an Italian villa with campanile, pergola and several outbuildings. 30,000 Taler are invested to buy more farmland for the domaine where the manor-house forms the centre. The arable area now comprises 525 ha. Exemplary the suggestions made by Albrecht Daniel Thaer for an 'economic agriculture' are implemented: Farmland is used in different ways according to the respective quality of the soil; Hedges prevent fields from erosion and sand drifts. The connecting paths are built as alleys with broad-leafed and fruit trees. At suggestion of Frederick Wilhelm IV. the sericulture is introduced in Bornim.
Upon the request of King Frederick Wilhelm IV. of Prussia, Peter Josef Lenné designs a 'map for the beautification of the island Potsdam', which includes the Bornim lea.
Bornim estate comprises 350 ha.
around 1830:
On a hill close to the lake Fahrland the 'Vorwerk' is erected, including stables for sheep as well as an acommodation for shephards.
The general rent is abolished.
King Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia ('Friedrich der Große') orders to tear down the dilapidated castle, and to build a manor-house (a so called 'Amtshaus'). The Office is moved from Potsdam to Bornim.
By royal edicts the Bornim Office together with the entire Potsdam Office is passed on to the board of war and domaines. The resulting income contributes to subsidize the orphanage of the military.
By order of Frederick Wilhelm of Brandenburg a 'Pleasure House' (Bornim Castle) is built on the former estates. Dutch Planteur Dirk de Langelaer creates the orchards and pleasure grounds. The Bornimer Lustgarten was considered one of the most modern orchards and in particular a model garden. At the same time, a drainage ditch, the 'Tiroler ditch', from the pleasure garden to the north, is built by workers recruited from Tyrol (Austria).
Frederick Wilhelm of Brandenburg (The 'Great Elector') purchases the existing estates from the families von Hake and Schlabrendorf and, thus, becomes owner of the Bornim estate.
In the land registry of Emperor Charles IV, the families von der Groeben, Brant and Falkenrehde are reported as landowner in Bornim.
Village and church Bornim are mentioned for the first time on a document of the Margrave of Brandenburg dating from 28th of September. Possibly, the foundation dates back to the noble Theodericus de Bornem living in the 13th Century in the eastern Havelland.