WG Water productivity in agriculture
The aim of the working group water productivity in agriculture (AgroHyd) is to improve the productivity of rainwater and technical water on farms. We develop methods for modeling and calculating regional and farm specific indicators and create frameworks for assessing and improving water use in agricultural systems. The further development of the AgroHyd Farmmodel for the modelling and optimisation of water demand in agriculture is a central concern.
The spectrum of methods used and proportionally further developed by AgroHyd Farmmodel itself includes, among other things, measurements of water balance variables, the derivation of algorithms, the calculation of water productivity and the application of Life Cycle Assessment.
The modelling and assessment in the field of work is supported by participation in the annual meeting of the BMEL - DWD and in committees of the FAO and OECD.
Current research issues
- How can the possibilities and limits of water use in animal husbandry and plant production systems be better characterized than before?
- What measures can be taken to increase water productivity at farm level?
- How can the sustainability of water use in livestock and crop production systems in the environmental pillar be improved?
- Joint publishing with colleagues outside the ATB
- International cooperation outside the ATB with universities and institutes
- Acceptance of national and international invitations as lecturer
- Teaching at the Humboldt University of Berlin
- Supervision of final theses and doctoral theses
- Expert opinion for various journals
- Organisation of visits to the institute