The WG Microbiome Management focuses on the assembly, interaction, and function of the microbiome of environmental and natural ecosystems. The main goals of Microbiome Management are
- Understanding the interlinked effects of the microbiome in circular bio economy,
- Development of microbiome-based products and management strategies,
- To establish integrative, eco-evolutionary understanding of microbiomes for sustainable future.
The working group further aims to engineering microbiomes and developing management strategies to:
- mitigate anthropogenic effect such as drought, salinity, emission, and climate warming
- facilitate sustainable crop and animal production and Environmentally-friendly disease control strategy
- increase the efficiency of conversion of biomass to energy and other byproducts
We implement cutting-edge interdisciplinary methods inducing Omics (e.g., Metagenomics, Metatranscriptomics, Metabolomics) Bioinformatics (prediction models and Network analysis), Culturomics & Microfluidics.
Team of the WG Bioconversion
Daniel Höfle
Dinesh Kumar Ramakrishnan
Andrea Glatt-Jeserig
Marie-Antoinette Holländer
Kiplimo Gunia, Denis