Aktuelles und Presse

Foto: ATB

April 10-12, 2024: Leibniz MMS Days 2024

The Leibniz Research Network "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation" invites to the seventh Leibniz MMS Days from April 10-12, 2024. It will be hosted by the Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW), the Leibniz Institute for Composite Materials.

The Workshop event aims to further develop MMS networking activities, presenting ongoing work using modern methods of MMS, and creates a plattform for discussion on themes of specific and general interest.

The workshop features contributions and discussions on:

  • MMS related topics at large (with presumed focuses on the topics specified in the list below; however, basically any MMS-related topic is feasibble and hence the actual focus topics will only be determined once the contributions are known),
  • Research Software and Data Infrastructures (e.g. with a mini-workshop "Code and perish?! How about publishing your software?"),
  • Research Data, Reproducibility, Open Science,

with special emphasis on the scientific topics

covered in dedicated, parallel workshops.

Modelling is one key for agricultural research regarding system analysis, emission determination and many more aspect. ATB is part of the network and hosted the MMS Days in 2023.


Leibniz MMS Days 2024

Time: April 10 - April 12, 2024
Place: Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe (IVW) in Kaiserslautern, Germany

Registration, submission and further information

Leibniz MMS Days


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