Research at ATB

Photo: Manuel Gutjahr

Transferring knowledge and technology

Knowledge and technology transfer within the Leibniz Association is in the responsibility of the individual institutions. One of the institute's central concerns is thus to apply and transfer the knowledge generated at ATB by applied basic research to industry, policymakers and society.

At ATB, knowledge is provided in a comprehensive range of formats. Results of our advanced research activities are published by scientists in internationally renowned journals, in application-oriented technical media, and also in in-house publication series. ATB staff members present their research approaches and results not only at international conferences but also at ATB colloquiae, which are open to the interested public, fostering the in-house transfer of knowledge, while guest speakers provide important impulses for new approaches. 

ATB is participating in branch-specific conferences and fairs and is actively providing research-based policy advice. ATB organises expert meetings, target group-oriented advanced trainings and also has the infrastructure to offer as a host external expert groups the opportunity for exchange.

By providing technical solutions for product and process-oriented developments in the agricultural sector, ATB promotes agricultural innovation.

As part of its technology transfer activities, ATB currently holds an extensive portfolio of around 30 intellectual property rights

The practice-oriented application laboratories are a key element of the Leibniz Association's strategic objectives. They offer plattforms for companies to develop innovations in small teams of engineers and scientists in a final step to marketability. With the pilot plant for natural fibres, the pilot plant for biobased chemicals and the wind tunnel, ATB operates a total of three application laboratories.

Our service for business partners

  • Property right and exploitation/licensing issues within the scope of cooperations 
  • Preliminary and feasibility studies
  • Simulation and modelling
  • Development of prototypes and product samples
  • Scientific support during transfer (measurements, process optimization and consultancy)
  • Use of state-of-the-art analytical equipment
  • Support for product and process development in practice-oriented ATB application laboratories


Gründungsprojekte nutzen die Forschungsergebnisse und das Wissen des ATB und überführen es durch Engegement, Kreativität und unternehmerisches Handeln in die Anwendung.

Aktuelle Gründunsprojekte:
Melk-Fee GmbH Thema: Milchgewinnung und Melktechnik
Gouna GmbH Thema: Gesundheitstracker für Rinder

Haben Sie Interesse an der Gründung eines Unternehmens im Bereich Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie?
Auch externe Gründer*innen finden am ATB excellente Bedingungen zur Gründung eines Unternehmens:

  • Beispielsweise können Sie auf unseren Versuchsflächen im Feldlabor neue Technologien und Anwenduntgen entwickeln und erproben.
  • Sie erhalten ein Mentoring durch unsere Wissenschaftler*innen. 
  • Wir beantragen geeignete Fördermittel. 
  • Wir stellen Kontakte zu Stakeholdern und Kunden her.


Dr. Raatz, Larissa

Legal Affairs and Technology Transfer officer

Department: Science Management Unit


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